"Last, is the fourth major lesson in life to learn: learn how to reap in the fall, without complain. Take full responsibility for what happens to you. It is one of the highest forms of human maturity: Accepting full responsibility. It's the day you know you've passed from childhood to adulthood. And learn how to reap in the fall without apology. Without apology if you have done well, and without complain if you have not. That's the best of human maturity. I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying it's the best.
There's a hymn that says 'It's not my mother nor my father, not my brother nor my sister, but it's me O Lord, standing in the need of prayer'. See, I used to blame everything outside for my lack of progress, until I found the problem was inside. For a big share of my life, I kept looking for the answer to do well outside, and I found out the answers were inside. Success is not something you pursue, success is something you become.
You see, it's not what happens that determine the quality or the quantity of your life. It's not what happens. And the reason is because: what happens, happens to about everybody. The sun went down on all of us last night, a common event. And I found out the same things can happen to two different people, but one gets rich and the other stays poor. Why is that? It's because it's not what happens but rather what you do about it. There is an important phrase for your written and mental note: It's not what happens, it's what you do that makes the difference in how your life works out.
Anything can happen, right? I've heard all of the stories. Hey, I've been one of the stories. We could all tell stories for days on end. Anything can happen. Have you heard of Murphy's laws? Surely you have. One of the laws was, if anything can go wrong it will. That's one of the laws, anything can happen. I've fallen out of the skies so many times.
Everyone's got the same happenings. Someone says 'but you don't understand the disappointments I've had'. Come on, everyone has disappointments. Disappointments are not special gifts reserved for the poor, everybody has them. The question is: what are you going to do about it?"
These excerpts were taken from a Jim Rohn's audio program The Art of Exceptional Living. Listening to it is more interesting then reading these excerpts because of Jim Rohn's unique delivery style. This guy really had an authentic style. Read his book 'The Seasons of Life' for more insights on the four major lessons.
I think it'll take me years to truly take them all in. But hey, at least I know what to look for and do during 'my seasons'. I'll have no complains if I don't do well, and no apologies when I do.
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