Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Sing It Out

One of those choruses that's great to sing at the top of the lungs...

I'm holding on
I'm holding on to You
My world is wrong
My world is a lie that's come true
And I fall in love
With the ones that run me through
When all along all I need is You

Sing it out
Sing it out
Take what is left of me
Make it a melody
Sing it out
Sing out loud
I can't find the words to sing
You be my remedy
My song
My song
I'll sing with what's left of me
 - Switchfoot's Sing It Out


Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

great lyrics, i fall in love with the ones that run me through, so true.

HT said...

Yes, Laura. Great honest song, isn't it? You've a nice blog there.